Free time? Californian?
October 9th, 2008 at 10:11 am (Readers, Volunteerism)
So, gay marriage is legal in CA, and now all of a sudden there’s this little ballot measure which aims to constitutionally ban same-sex marriages in CA.
If you have free time and are a Californian, please go here to sign up to make calls and phonebank against the proposition.
I wouldn’t ask that you do this, normally — I am not one to shove politics down someone else’s throat. However, those in favor of Prop 8, mostly conservative Christians who belong to organized religions with lots and lots of money, are rallying troops from everywhere, even out of state. This is unacceptable, as this is California’s election.
So, if you have the time, please donate some of it and make a few calls to just get in people’s heads.