FurryLilFucker has love to give!

There are times when you’re just so full of love that you gotta share that love with a little one.

My partner was part of the SFSPCA’s Foster Program before I met him, and kitten season is here again, which means what? WE HAVE KITTENS!!!! More than just kittens, actually! We received a momma cat and her three infant kittens a few days ago. Momma is Posey, and her babies (five days old when we got them) are Rosey, Thorn and Thistle.

Posey is a good momma, attentive to her babies, not hiding them or eating them, being very very loving and concerned and just… aww. And her babies? Sooooo cute. They’re tiny, really tiny.

Sometimes, they’re too tiny. The runt of the three, Thorn, seemed to be doing fine - was even great when he had his weigh-in yesterday morning - but we came home to find him not breathing. After checking a few times and trying not to freak out, we realized that unfortunately, he was dead. *sniffle* I’m not sure if he had a weak heart or lungs or just suffocated, but we had to say goodbye to a week old baby Thorn yesterday. Momma and the brother and sister are going in for a checkup today.

But, Rosey and Thistle are doin’ just fine. Their eyes are just beginning to open up and their ears are almost unfolding. They’re playful and kinda beginning to interact with us peoples, respond to our voices and touch… ohmygod they’re so precious. So, so precious.

FurryLilFucker went to a party!

I’ve used Flickr for my image hosting for nearly two years now. They rock in every way you can think, and then some.

Flickr is known for their public parties, with cupcakes and more, more MORE! I went and got to see old friends, meet new friends and get my party on. Pictures below, yo.

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FurryLilFucker has an update for you!!

If you are wanting to register for this blog, you can either go here or e-mail me at furball at furrylilfucker dot com with your desired username and password and I will register you.

The Furry One Challenges You!

I’ve been a big supporter of all things related to HIV awareness and prevention for quite some time. I have manned safe sex hotlines, given out condoms and briefly flirted with the idea of joining the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. My most (and most major) effort came in the form of volunteering for an HIV Vaccine, and I find out hopefully within the next month or two whether I received a placebo or proposed vaccine. The point is, I like to do what I can to possibly-maybe stop the spread of HIV and AIDS worldwide, raise awareness and create a better future for humans.

I’m not the only one - a swell coworker of mine by the name of Carl Chen is participating in one of the most strenuous and amazing events out there to raise HIV/AIDS Awareness: The AIDS/LifeCycle, a seven day and 545 mile bicycle ride from SF to LA. I am not able to participate, but I am able to sponsor him, and I ask that you go and take a look at his page (https://www.aidslifecycle.org/donate/form.cfm?f=Carl&l=Chen&p=Cyclist&n=1889) and give him a few bucks for his fantastic efforts. Better yet: For every $25.00 you donate to him, I will donate $1.00. How do you like them apples, huh??

So please, give him mad props, make a donation and help us all fight the good fight!

EDIT: If you have donated, please let me know; e-mail me at furball at furrylilfucker dot com and notify me of the amount of your contribution so I can match it!!!

FurryLilFucker got some excitement!… then blasé.

I checked my e-mail on my phone to find that I had received my first registered user - someone wants to comment on my blog! So excited, my web 2.0 presence may be growing by the second!!

So, I log in and see who the registered user is: someone with the e-mail address of [email protected] and a username of adol77dai51. The name didn’t ring any bells, but I figured, “Well, I’ve been pimping my blog pretty hardcore through sites like gay.com, who knows, maybe someone haphazardly came across my blog and liked what I put in it so far (cuz it’s sooooo much) and registered!”

Then, a google search of the e-mail address. What shows up? Other bloggers listing this Adolfo Daine, man of mystery and possible spambot, as their first registered user.

After a sigh and a chuckle, I salute you, Mr. Adolfo Daine, whoever you are,  for being my first registered user. Try one single spam trick with me and you’ll be fucking deleted.

FurryLilFucker is addicted!

I seem to be relatively addicted to taking pictures these days. I always find it amusing, even the most benign picture can come out as something I end up really proud of.

For those of you who haven’t discovered my Flickr page yet, I encourage you to go there and check it out. Some of my favorites are grouped into a set if you just want to browse around there. Happy viewing!

FurryLilFucker likes strolls through the park

FurryLilFucker has neglected his official blog for far too long.

Keep your eyes peeled for some juicy secrets. In the meantime? Enjoy pictures.

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