September 30th, 2008 at 8:02 pm (365, Pic)
I opened my very first Post Office box today. It was a bittersweet, a wonderful step in the right direction which was facilitated by leaving the boyfriend I moved in with all-too-quickly.
September 30th, 2008 at 8:02 pm (365, Pic)
I opened my very first Post Office box today. It was a bittersweet, a wonderful step in the right direction which was facilitated by leaving the boyfriend I moved in with all-too-quickly.
September 29th, 2008 at 7:47 pm (365, Pic)
Today is day one of my new 365 project. I begin it on a day that is perfect for a few reasons:
Today is Rosh Hashanah, Jewish New Year, when apples dipped in honey symbolize the hopes and dreams for an auspicious new year.
Today is also my birthday. I turned 26.
I have a lot of hopes and dreams for this 365. I am determined to dedicate myself to this project, pushing my photographic skills and hopefully becoming a better photographer. I also hope to be able to explore photography as a way to find my own therapy, to work my feelings out, to share myself without using words.
September 26th, 2008 at 4:02 pm (Announcements)
Coming Monday, 29 September 2008: The beginning of a new 365. With the first post will be a relatively amusing announcement; the 365 couldn’t possibly be started on a better day.
Have a marvelous weekend!
September 20th, 2008 at 10:33 am (Pic, Travel)
There’s something about returning home from a real vacation that makes me want more. It happens every time, without fail: I get home, refuse to unpack (I’ve been home six days now and have promised myself I’d unpack today), go through photos five, six, even seven times… I mourn that I’m not longer traveling, seeing, experiencing, doing, moving, feeling, smelling, living!
Yet, there exists a strange comfort in knowing I’m home. I’m able to cook things just as I want them, and I’m able to sprawl out, relax, focus on my life. I’m even able to plan my next vacation.
I returned from my most recent vacation on 9/14: it was a ten-day journey to Alaska on board a cruise ship, round trip from and returning to San Francisco. Not too shabby, I must say. It was the first cruise I’ve taken, and I had a simply marvelous time. I have two thousand stories to share, but those are best told in person… So instead of boring you with verbose descriptions of the purest mountains, the bluest waters and the most humbling sunsets I’ve ever seen, I’ll just show you the highlights of the pictures.
September 19th, 2008 at 3:14 pm (Photography, Questions, Readers)
So, in my endless pursuit of becoming a great photographer, I’ve come into contact with people who have talent, brains, an eye, “that touch…” Whatever you call it, I’ve met some really, truly awesome people. One of these people is a fantastic gal by the name of Dottie. Dottie is talented. Really talented. (Go look for yourself: her new site just launched yesterday!) She and I were having a conversation about what makes or breaks a photographer, particularly in the web 2.0 world. It was mentioned that she didn’t have serious followers until she started her 365 project. That got my gears grinding.
If you aren’t new to the site (and chances are, if you’re one of the two people who is reading this, you aren’t) then you’ll remember I had a 365 project going a while back. It lasted for, oh, fifteen days. That left me with 350 days to go. That seriously ain’t cool.
Now, I already done gone and removed the photos, removed the posts, erased it from my memory — *zap!* and yours — and pretty much decided to give myself a fresh start. But, a major question lingers: Should I start a 365 project about me, where you see a picture I took of myself each day? Should I just take a picture of anything, regardless of subject, and post that every day? Should I go through my stock photos and post pictures which may not have made it to the flickr account but need a breath of fresh air? I just don’t know. I don’t know, I tell you!
So, I ask you, dear reader, what should I do?
PS: If you’re reading this on a RSS reader, c’mon over to the site! You’ll be pleasantly surprised with the visual updates!
September 19th, 2008 at 8:26 am (Announcements, Photography, Pic)
I’ve been hibernating for a while. My most sincere apologies.
The good news is, I have more love to give, and I have lots to share. Eventually.
In the meantime? I direct you to the best thing I’ve seen since 8:00 this morning, SFW-PORN. SFW: Safe For Work.