I long to flee
September 20th, 2008 at 10:33 am (Pic, Travel)
There’s something about returning home from a real vacation that makes me want more. It happens every time, without fail: I get home, refuse to unpack (I’ve been home six days now and have promised myself I’d unpack today), go through photos five, six, even seven times… I mourn that I’m not longer traveling, seeing, experiencing, doing, moving, feeling, smelling, living!
Yet, there exists a strange comfort in knowing I’m home. I’m able to cook things just as I want them, and I’m able to sprawl out, relax, focus on my life. I’m even able to plan my next vacation.
I returned from my most recent vacation on 9/14: it was a ten-day journey to Alaska on board a cruise ship, round trip from and returning to San Francisco. Not too shabby, I must say. It was the first cruise I’ve taken, and I had a simply marvelous time. I have two thousand stories to share, but those are best told in person… So instead of boring you with verbose descriptions of the purest mountains, the bluest waters and the most humbling sunsets I’ve ever seen, I’ll just show you the highlights of the pictures.
buzze001 said,
September 25, 2008 at 6:41 pm
I know what you mean. I feel the same way usually. You pictures are amazing.